상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

About Time 16 (Scene 53-57)/영화 어바웃타임 대본 / 어바웃타임 에피소드별 영어공부

About Time 대본

by 다들린다 2020. 4. 3. 20:27





어바웃타임 영화를 너무 재미있게 보고

영어 공부에 도움이 되겠다고 생각을 했습니다.

그리고 대본을 찾아보니

제대로 된 대본이 없더군요

그래서 영화 속에서 거의 대부분의 대화를 축출 했습니다.

그리고 에피소드 별로 나누어 영상과 대본을 업로드 해봅니다.

영상은 아래 링크 유투브로 들어가시면 시청이 가능합니다.



Scene 53 (1:20:58)

Tim : I’m worried about Kit Kat.


Mary : Yeah. I know.

She was drinking wine while we were drinking tea.

And Jimmy wasn't nice to her.

And she spurned the purple cupcakes.


Tim : We have to do something to fix it.


Mary : Yeah. but, you know, if it's gonna be fixed, I think she probably has to do it herself.

Tim : Maybe. Maybe not.





Scene 54 (1:21:40)

Tim : My darling. What's happened?

You're the best person in the world.

You're top equal with my wife. I don't get it.


Kit Kat : Maybe, just maybe, I'm the faller.

Every family has, like, someone who falls, who doesn't make the grade, who stumbles, who life trips up. Maybe I'm our faller.


Tim : No. No.


Tim : Okay. I'm gonna tell you a secret. 

And you have to promise to keep it.


Kit Kat : We've always kept secrets.


Tim : We have?

You promise you won't ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever tell?


Kit Kat : Yes.


Tim : I can travel in time.



Scene 55 (1:22:40)

Kit Kat : Why are we standing in the cupboard under the stairs?


Tim : Because we're gonna go back in time and

you're gonna do some things differently.


Kit Kat : I love it when you're funny.


Tim : Grab my hand. Close your eyes.



Scene 56 (1:22:06)

Kit Kat : Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Oh, my arsing God in a box.

You're kidding?

I can go anywhere in time and you bring me back to the worst party of all time.


Tim : afraid so. Let's go.

We've got work to do.


Kit Kat : What work?


Tim : Making sure you do not meet Jimmy Kincade.

Quick, in here.


Kit Kat : But he's about to fall in love with me!


Tim : Not this time he isn't.


Jimmy Kincade : It's Jennifer, isn't it?


Jennifer : Yeah.

Jimmy Kincade : Wild! I like your skirt, Jennifer.


Jennifer : Thank you.


Kit Kat : Right, I get it.

If he hadn't met me, he would have just had sex with someone else.

Nip it in the bud?


Kit Kat : Excuse me, Jimmy.


Jimmy Kincade : Do I know you?


Kit Kat : Yeah, you do.

Very well. 


And this is what I should have done right at the start.

Happy New Year, everybody.

Happy New Year.


Tim : And back to the cupboard.


Jay : Amazing!  


Kit Kat : What happens now?


Tim : God knows.

What I'm hoping is that from this moment on you avoid

the sleazy bad guys because they're sleazy and bad.


Kit Kat : When did you get so serious?


Tim : Since it occurred to me that I might lose you.

Brace yourself, this could be weird.

Things will have changed.




Scene 57 (1:25:10)

Kit Kat : Oh, my God.


Tim : What?


Kit Kat : Jay.

Tim : Jay Jay? 


Kit Kat : Yes.

And he's adorable. Oh, my God.


let's do this.


Dad : Come on, you two.

Mum's just cracked open a packet of biscuits. 


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