상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

About Time 11 (Scene 30-34)/영화 어바웃타임 대본 / 어바웃타임 에피소드별 영어공부

About Time 대본

by 다들린다 2020. 4. 1. 01:35




어바웃타임 영화를 너무 재미있게 보고

영어 공부에 도움이 되겠다고 생각을 했습니다.

그리고 대본을 찾아보니

제대로 된 대본이 없더군요

그래서 영화 속에서 거의 대부분의 대화를 축출 했습니다.

그리고 에피소드 별로 나누어 영상과 대본을 업로드 해봅니다.

영상은 아래 링크 유투브로 들어가시면 시청이 가능합니다.



Scene 30 (53:28)

Mary's Father, Fitz : So, Tim, tell us where are you from, which part of the country?


Mary : He’s from Cornwall. Yeah, it's really pretty.

It's um, it’s that little bit right at the end, sort of looks like a shoe.


Mary's Mother, Jean : And you're a lawyer, is that right?


Mary : Yep, yep. That’s right. And he never loses.

You don't think he's gonna win, then he just pulls something out of the bag and, what do you know, he wins again.


Mary's Mother, Jean : Do you ever answer any of your own questions?


Tim : I…


Mary : Yes, he does. Usually he does, but not today because I'm doing all the talking because I'm really nervous and I kinda love him  and I just… l want you to, too.


Mary's Mother, Jean : Honey. 


Mary : Sorry. Tim. Over to you.



Tim : Yeah, I think my dad...


Mary : Can I just say one more thing?


Tim Yep. 


Mary : um…




Scene 31 (54:18)

Mary : Thank God that's over.


Tim : I got given two tickets for the National Theatre tomorrow. 

Do you wanna come?


Mary : No, so not. I'm just gonna sleep all day.


Tim : I don't see why going to the theatre should get in the way of that.

Many of the best sleeps of my life have happened  in the Royal Shakespeare Company.


Mary : No, you take someone else.

I really like bed and I really hate theatre.


Tim : Quite right. But what kind of sad act is gonna be free 

on a Saturday night with no day's notice?






Scene 32 (54:50)

Rory : Bravo.


Tim : Oh, my God. it's Charlotte. 


Rory : Who?


Tim : It was my first love.


Rory : Where?


Tim : There. Under the 'exit' sign.


Rory : The old woman?


Tim : No, not the old woman.

The astonishing blonde.


Rory : The one with the dark hair?


Tim : No, blonde.

Blonde means blonde hair, doesn't it?


Charlotte : Off the stage.


Tim : Okay, you stay there. I mean it, stay!




Scene 33 (55:24)

Tim : Charlotte.


Charlotte : Oh, my God. Tim.

How fabulous to see you.

Wow. I... This is my girlfriend Tina.


Tim : No.

That is so brilliant.

Well, hello, Tina.


Tina : Why is it brilliant?


Tim : Well, you know. There are certain moments in your life  that scar you for life.

Charlotte's rejection of me was one of those moments, but now I know she’s got a girlfriend. 

Well, that's just a huge burden suddenly lifted off my mind.

I can be a confident heterosexual all over again.


Charlotte : Not that kind of girlfriend.


Tim : What?


Charlotte : You think I'm gay?


Tim : No.

No, of course not.

No. it's girl friend.

Yes. No. Wow.

Yeah, friend who is a girl, which you so clearly are.

I'm just gonna go and get my boyfriend, who is a boy...


Charlotte : Oh, my God. Tim.

How lovely to see you.

Look at you. Wow.

This is my girlfriend Tina.


Tim : Oh, hello, Tina.

Although you should be a little careful with that, by the way.

There are still quite a lot of us old fashioned types about who interpret ‘girlfriend' as meaning ‘gay'.

So if you say that Tina's your girlfriend, people will assume that you're ‘gay'.


Tina : I am ‘gay’.


Tim : Are you? 


Tina : Do you have a problem with that?


Tim : No, I don't. I love that stuff.

I'm just gonna…



Scene 34 (57:05)

Tim : Wow.

I've just seen the girl who broke my heart three summers ago.


Rory : Let’s go say hello.


Tim : No. Best let sleeping dogs lie.

Come on.


Rory : Best night of my life. I always love this area.

It's so bustling and I mean those pictures, full of colour.

Just makes me so happy when I’m round here, all the colour... 


Charlotte : Tim.


Tim : Oh, Charlotte!


Charlotte : Tim, how lovely to see you.


Tim : What a surprise.


Charlotte : Wow. Sorry. This, um, this is my girlfriend, Tina.


Rory : She’s gay. 


Tim : Shut up. 

Oh, Yep. Hello, Tina.


Charlotte : Look at you!

It just never even occurred to me you existed outside of Cornwall.

We're about to go and get dinner, but it would be great

to hang out sometime.


Tim : Yeah, sure. I'd love that.


Charlotte : Send my love to little Kit Kat.

How is she?


Tim : She’s okay. She's not finding London totally easy actually.


Charlotte : Right. Well, Jimmy says he sees her sometimes.


Tim : Really? Since when?


Charlotte : You knew there was always something there.

Sorry, you are?


Rory : Very well, thank you.


Tim : Well, she means your name.


Rory : Roger. No, it's not. No, it's not. it's Rory.


Charlotte : Nice to meet you, Rory. 


Rory : Yeah.


Charlotte : Right. Sorry, we should get going.

It was really great to see you.

See you soon.


Tim : You, too. Yeah. Bye.


Rory : God, she is beautiful.

She's so beautiful, if you had sex with her, you'd die. You'd just die.

You'd open her shirt, see her breasts and your eyes would explode.

You'd have to have sex with her blind. And then you'd die.


Tim : You notice she didn’t give me her number...


Charlotte : I told Tina to go have dinner on her own.

Are you hungry?


Tim : Yeah. Of course. Great.


Charlotte : Bye, Roger.


Rory : Yeah, excellent.

Thanks again for the play. Triumph.




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