상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

About Time 20 (Scene 65-73)/영화 어바웃타임 대본 / 어바웃타임 에피소드별 영어공부/ 도널글리슨/ 레이첼 맥아담스

About Time 대본

by 다들린다 2020. 4. 3. 22:44




대표사진 삭제


사진 설명을 입력하세요.




어바웃타임 영화를 너무 재미있게 보고

영어 공부에 도움이 되겠다고 생각을 했습니다.

그리고 대본을 찾아보니

제대로 된 대본이 없더군요

그래서 영화 속에서 거의 대부분의 대화를 축출 했습니다.

그리고 에피소드 별로 나누어 영상과 대본을 업로드 해봅니다.

영상은 아래 링크 유투브로 들어가시면 시청이 가능합니다.




Scene 65 (1:39:29)

Rory : This is our current statement with a revised paragraph there, highlighted.


Bhattie QC : Rupert. Rupert, is that the best you can do?


Rory : No. No. Absolutely not. We can change that.


Bhattie QC : ltem number two.


Rory : Ah…



Scene 66 (1:40:00)

Tim : Hi.


Pret a Manger Server : Good afternoon, sir.

Are you eating in or taking away today?


Tim : Uh .. take away, please.

Pret a Manger Server : Yeah? No problem.

Lovely, that's 4.24 then, please, sir.

Thank you kindly.

Lovely. And there's your change, sir.

76 pence change.


Tim : Thanks.


Pret a Manger Server : Thank you.

Hello there. Are you eating in or taking away?




Scene 67 (1:40:24)

Judge : Do you find the Defendant, John Welbeck, guilty or not guilty of fraud?


Defendant : Not guilty.


Judge : And that is the verdict of you all?


Defendant : Yes.


Judge : Thank you. You may be seated.


Tim : Thank God.


Judge : Let the Defendant be discharged.


Court Clerk : Be upstanding in court.




Scene 68 (1:40:52)

Mary : Lights out?


Tim : Yeah. Tough day.

But then came part two of Dad's plan.

He told me to live every day again almost exactly the same.

The first time with all the tensions and worries that stop us noticing how sweet the world can be, but the second time noticing.


Tim : Okay, Dad. Let's give it a go.




Scene 69 (1:42 40)

Pret a Manger Server : Good afternoon, sir.


Tim : Good afternoon.


Pret a Manger Server : Are you eating in or taking away today?


Tim : Take away, please.


Pret a Manger Server : Would you like a bag?


Tim : That’s fine.


Pret a Manger Server : Lovely. That's 6.23 then, please.

And enjoy the rest of your day.


Tim : Thank you. Bye-bye.


Pret a Manger Server : Hello, there.


Tim : Look around you!


Rory : What?


Tim : Isn’t this room beautiful?


Rory : Yeah.


Tim : Come on.


Rory : What?


Defendant : Not guilty.


Tim : Fantastic!




Scene 70 (1:42:52)

Mary : So not such a bad day after all?


Tim : No. it was pretty good really.

Very good day, actually, as it turns out.


Mary : Well, that's a relief, because if it had been a very bad day, I thought I might have had to have had sex with you to make up for it.


Mary : Goodnight.


Tim : It was a very, very bad day. It went very, very badly.

I got fired from my job. And then I killed a man.


Mary : That is a very bad day.


Tim : It’s terrible.


Mary : Yeah.

Like the worst day ever.

So sorry.


Scene 71 (1:43:52)

Tim : Some days, of course, though, you only want to go through once.


Mary : You okay?



Scene 72 (1:44:48)

Mum : Right, are we ready for this?


Harry : ’Course we're not. Hateful day.


Tim : Just give me one minute.




Scene 73 (1:45:21)

Dad : This is so brilliant.

Dickens is so good on actual jokes, actual gags.

Where have you come from?


Tim : It’s the...


Dad : Oh. Okay.

Big day.

Thanks for dropping in.

How's Uncle Desmond's suit?


Tim : Oh. Immaculate.


Dad : Excellent.

Did I mention I wanted the Nick Cave track?


Tim : It’s taken care of.


Dad : Thank you.

Can I just read you this one bit?


Tim : Read away, I've got lots of time.


Dad : ’l think the Romans must have aggravated’ one another very much with their noses. 'Perhaps they became the restless people they were in consequence.

'Anyhow, Mr Wopsle's Roman nose so aggravated me…?'



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