상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

About Time 7 (Scene 17-20)/영화 어바웃타임 대본 / 어바웃타임 에피소드별 영어공부

About Time 대본

by 다들린다 2020. 4. 1. 01:32



                           영상 보는 곳 


어바웃타임 영화를 너무 재미있게 보고

영어 공부에 도움이 되겠다고 생각을 했습니다.

그리고 대본을 찾아보니

제대로 된 대본이 없더군요

그래서 영화 속에서 거의 대부분의 대화를 축출 했습니다.

그리고 에피소드 별로 나누어 영상과 대본을 업로드 해봅니다.

영상은 아래 링크 유투브로 들어가시면 시청이 가능합니다.




Scene 17 (31:19 - 32:38)

Harry : One of the actors appeared to have actually fallen asleep...

Oh, here’s the little prick who walked out halfway through. 

You missed the best scene, you little twerp.


Tim : Sorry.


Harry : What did you think of the set?


Trudy (Party Guest) : I thought it was incredible.


Harry : Did you? I didn't. Too brown.


Tim : Mary! 

No. No. She's gone.


Tim : Two girls in earlier tonight.  

One of them the prettiest girl in the world.

The other one like a sort of nice prostitute. 

Did you get their names?


Dans le Noir Maître D’ : Yes. They left a while ago. Let's see.

No, I'm afraid they were walk-ins and it appears they paid by cash.

Sorry, sir.


Tim : That’s okay. That's fine, it's brilliant. 

It's just the end of my life. 

Thanks so much.



Scene 18 (32:48 - 33:15)

Harry : Oh, cheer up, mate.

Apparently, you're living with Britain's greatest living playwright.

I don't usually read them, obviously, but I couldn't resist this one.

'Harry Chapman found guilty of genius'


Tim : I have to go out. Right now.


Harry : Why?


Tim : She loves Kate Moss.



Scene 19 (33:58 - 34:39)

Tim : Thanks for keeping me company, Kittle.


Kit Kat : Nothing better to do.


Tim : How’s Jimmy?


Kit Kat : Dumped me.


Tim : Not again.


Kit Kat : And work? They've sacked me.


Tim : Idiots.



Kit Kat : Please.

I've only just noticed this cat in this picture. 

See that cat?


Tim : I do see that cat. 

It's very good.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God!


Kit Kat : What?


Tim : It’s her.

It's her!

That's her!



Kit Kat : You go, girl.


Tim : Okay.




Scene 20 (34:53 - 36:04)

Tim : Sorry.


Mary : Hi. 


Tim : Hi.

How are you?


Mary : I’m... I'm fine.


Tim : It’s so good to see you.


Mary  :Um… We've never met before.


Tim : No, fuck.

No, of course we haven't. No.


Mary : Sorry, I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else.


Tim : No, no, no.

Your name's Mary.


Mary : That’s distinctly weird.

How do you know that?


Tim : Well, you look like a Mary.


Mary : In what way?


Tim : My mum's called Mary.


Mary : I look like your mother?


Tim : No. You're much prettier.

It's a nice fringe, by the way.


Mary : God, it's new and probably too short but... 


Tim : No.


Mary : Well, gee, thank you and listen, it was really nice to meet you. 

I should probably go because my friend's waiting for me and you're a, you're a total stranger.

Total stranger.


Tim : Yeah, okay. It's crazy stuff.


Mary : Yeah, kind of. Okay.


Tim : Bye, Mary. 


Mary : Bye.



                          영상 보는 곳



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