상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

About Time 3 (Scene 6-8)/영화 어바웃타임 대본 / 어바웃타임 에피소드별 영어공부

About Time 대본

by 다들린다 2020. 4. 1. 01:25




어바웃타임 영화를 너무 재미있게 보고 

영어 공부에 도움이 되겠다고 생각을 했습니다. 

그리고 대본을 찾아보니 

제대로 된 대본이 없더군요 

그래서 영화 속에서 거의 대부분의 대화를 축출 했습니다. 

그리고 에피소드 별로 나누어 영상과 대본을 업로드 해봅니다. 

영상은 아래 링크 유투브로 들어가시면 시청이 가능합니다. 


Scene 6 (13:34 - 14:50)

Charlotte : Come in.


Tim : Charlotte. 


Charlotte : Yeah!


Tim : As it's your last night, can I ask you a question?


Charlotte : Oh, yeah. Ask away. Oh, No, wait.

Um, it’s not going to be about love, is it?


Tim : Love? 



Charlotte : Well, it's just that Kit Kat warned me that if you were to ever mention it, 

I should be very firm with you and tell you 

you must treat me like your sister and not be stupid.

Or have I just made a total fool of myself and you were actually going to ask me 

for late night last minute tennis tips?


Tim : No, it was the love thing.


Charlotte : Oh, well. That's very sweet of you. 

It's just a shame you left it till the last night.

You should have tried creeping along the corridor while we still had time.


Tim : Okay, the 'last night’ was a bad idea?


Charlotte : Very bad idea. 

It feels like an ever so slightly insulting afterthought.

 'Last night' was never going to work.


Tim : All right. Good. I've got it.



Scene 7 (15:05 - 16:35)

Charlotte : Come in.

Charlotte : Tim. 


Tim : Charlotte.


Charlotte : Hi.


Tim : Hi.


Charlotte : Sit down.


Tim : I know you’ve probably suspected this, 

but over the last month I've fallen completely in love with you. 

Now obviously this was gonna happen because you’re a goddess with that face and that hair, 

but even if you didn't have a nice face, 

and even if you had absolutely no hair because of some bizarre medical reason,

I'd still adore you, 

and I… I just wondered whether, by any chance,  you might share my feelings.


Charlotte : Wow. I tell you what. 

Why don't we see how the summer goes  and then you ask me again on my last night?


Tim : Your last night? 


Charlotte : Yes. 

Try me on the last night. See what happens then, shall we? 

It's exciting.


Tim : Right. 

No, it's a perfect plan. 

That’s absolutely perfect. Last night.


Charlotte : Last night.


Tim : Thanks very much.


Charlotte : Night-night, Timmy.



Scene 8 (16:38 - 17:10)

Tim : Big lesson number one, all the time travel in the world can't make someone love you.


Charlotte : Bye!


Tim : So the love of my life just drove away. And the very next day it was my turn to leave.


Desmond : There you go. Don’t spend it all at once.


Tim : Thanks.


Dad : Don’t call too often, your mother doesn't like to be disturbed.


Tim : Okay. Thanks.


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