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영화 인턴 영어대본 2 / 하루 5분 영어공부

카테고리 없음

by 다들린다 2020. 1. 3. 18:45




공부에 좋은 영화가 무엇이 있을까?

고민을 하던 중 프렌즈는 너무 자극적인 장면이 많아서

공부 하기에는 좀 불편함이 없지않아 있었습니다.

그러던 중 애니메이션으로 공부를 하다가

인턴이라는 영화를 만나게 되었죠. 그리고

영화 인턴 대본을 5분씩 잘라서 만들었습니다.

대부분 돌아다니는 대본은 영화 내용과 다른 부분이 많이 있습니다.

하지만 제가 이번에 만든 대본은 동일한 대본을 찾으려 노력을 했고

영상도 약5분씩 잘랐고, 음성도 동일하게 잘랐습니다.

영상은 아래 링크로 들어가시면 시청하실 수 있습니다.




The Intern 2

”Good news, I found a size 8 in navy!” “No you’re right, it should have arrived by now, let me track that 

for you.” “Yep, these pants are awesome if you have hips. Super slimming.” 


JULES  : Okay, let me just review this with you. You have six bridesmaids. You ordered six of the silk chiffon Antoinette dresses in pink. The wedding is in three days, and the dresses just arrived all in charcoal gray, which we don't even sell, so that is a bit of a mystery. 

Okay, here's what we're gonna do about this. I am gonna call the vendor and have this fixed today. I will personally see the dresses before they are Fed Exed, and I promise you they will be at your front door by 9:00 a.m. Friday, okay? 

You know what, let me give you my cell just in case, 718-555-0199. Oh, thank you so much for your patience, and I am gonna refund you back all your money. it's the... Yes. 

Okay, hey, you check this one off your list, okay? This is done. And, Rachel, have a great wedding. Oh, my God, how did that happen? 


BECKY : Jules? 


JULES : I know, I know, I'm late for something. 


BECKY : Yeah. Everything. 


JULES : You see why I take customer service calls? I mean, it's so good. You learn so much. Okay, what's up? 

What am I doing? 


BECKY : Okay, Cameron was waiting for you, but had another meeting. He said he'll be back at 2:00. Um, everyone needs you to sign off on tomorrow's homepage. 


JULES : Right. 


BECKY : And your 11:00 is in the big conference room. So is your 11:10. Finance needs you, and I guess you e- mailed a bunch of people at 4:00 a.m. about something? 


JULES : Oh, good, I forgot about that. I want to figure out a way for friends to shop together online. Make it 

less of an alone thing. E-mail me that idea, will you? 


BECKY : Yeah, I like that. Um, is now a good time to call your mom back? 


JULES : Dude, I’m on a bike... 


Oh! Happy birthday! 


JULES : Oh, what a mess- This is the middle of the office. Don't do... Don't put that-- 




BEN : Hi, I’m Ben Whittaker. I received an e-mail about an interview for the Senior Intern Program. 


RECEPTIONIST : Hey Ben, how’s it going? 


BEN : It’s good good, real good. Thank you. 


RECEPTIONIST : Excellent. Take a seat around the corner, and someone from talent acquisition will come get you. 

BEN : Thank you. "Talent acquisition"? 





JULES : Okay, you guys have to remember the homepage has to read in a glance. Also, you have to get back like this if you wanna see what it looks like if you're, like, over 35. Okay, so I can’t read anything, but if I could, what do you want me to see? "Five Girls, One Shirt” or "Check Out The Fit"? 


ROBBY : Well, both, but what I really want you to see is the shirt worn by five different body types. 


JULES : Okay, then you gotta make me see that. Try making the photo grid bigger. I love that five. Can we 

make it more graphic? Yeah, that's cool. Maybe hero the girl in the red shirt. 

That is a great red. 


ROBBY   :Jules… 


JULES : It is going to fly outta here. 


ROBBY : I needed you to sign off on this, like, two hours ago. 


JULES : I know, I know, but can you try? 


ROBBY : Yep.

JULES : Mia? Tell me that thing again. 


MIA : Oh, 40% of our visitors don't go past the homepage, which isn't so bad. 


JULES : Yeah, but we should fix that. 


ROBBY : Okay, here you go. 


JULES : I love it. 


ROBBY : Great, and it's up. 


JULES : Okay. Thanks, everybody. Thanks 


JULES : Okay, so... The Antoinette dress. Major screw-up by the vendor. 


KEIRA : There’s gonna be a couple of interviews today, Ben. 

We wanna make sure that we both find the right fit. "Business as usual” is not really our motto, so we hope you have some fun here. This is the first time we are hiring senior interns, so some of our intern questions may not exactly fit your profile, but we're gonna go for it anyway, okay? 


BEN : Fire away. 


KEIRA : Okay. Good. Where did you go to school? 


BEN : I went to Northwestern. 


KEIRA : Hey, my brother went to Northwestern! 


BEN : Probably not at the same time. 


KEIRA : Probably not. He graduated in 2009. 


BEN : Class of 65. 


KEIRA : Wow, what was your major? Do you remember? 




